Crystallization in Glasses and Liquids

13th International Symposium on Crystallization in Glasses and Liquids
du 24/09/2024
au 29/09/2024

Cet événement est terminé, les inscriptions sont closes.

The 13th International Symposium on Cryztallisation in Glasses and Liquids is the continuation of a series of successful meetings organized by the TC7 of the International Commission on Glass (ICG), with the previous one supervised by Pr. M. Pascual in Segovia, Spain in 2017.
Continuing the tradition, the 13th edition will be held in Orléans and will provide an international forum for the most recent developments of crystallization in glasses and liquids.
The conference will maintain the quality of the previous congresses while featuring new topics to learn about the latest developments in glass technology.

This international conference is organised in the framework of the MATEX ARD CVL Programme.


  • Fundamental approaches to nucleation and crystal growth in glasses and liquids (interaction between theory, modelling and experiment) – Simulations, modelling, theory, contribution of artificial intelligence
  • Developments and novel nucleation/crystallization processes (spray melting, photo-, laser-induced crystallization, sol-gel, magnetic field induced nucleation) – Crystallisation phenomena in natural glasses/melts and amorphous materials (polymers, sol-gel, metallic glasses, thin films)
  • Relationships between glass structure and nucleation – Liquid phase separation, heterogeneities – Role of nucleating agents
  • Advanced characterisation methods, techniques and characterization tools (in situ, high spatial and temporal resolution, detection sensitivity)
  • Relationships between microstructures and properties of glass-ceramics (mechanical strength, transparency, chemical/thermal resistance, magnetic, electrical properties)
  • New glass-ceramics and applications – Environmentally-friendly glass-ceramics.
1, Rue Dupanloup
45000 Orléans